Thursday, October 20, 2011

Want To Be A Part Of It?

Do you own Domino Pads?
Do you have a video camera (phone or web camera is fine too of course!)?
Has your wash routine been satisfactory to you and your pads are still looking great?
Would you like to be in one of our next Domino Pads video productions?

We are looking for participants in a Domino Pads video about care of the pads.

As we have seen in our previous discussion lots of different people take care of their pads in lots of different ways. And best of all:
It all works!

So for the care video I would love to feature short clips from actual Domino Pads users on how they keep their pads looking like new.

How short of a clip? We'd like to know:
- are you washing them separate or with something else? (diapers, etc.)
- do you soak them or use a cold rinse?
- what temperature are you washing them at?
- how long have you owned your pads?
- are you doing anything special you'd like to mention or share any special tips?

Interested but no idea what to expect of a Domino Pads video? You can see our previous video here.

So what are you waiting for? Featured participants will also receive a small surprise for their efforts. And fame of course! ;)

If you are planning on participating please give me a heads up via email so I can start planning for how many prizes I will need!

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